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15-Minute Huddle, Big Results: How Flex Transforms Your Dental Practice

Written by Team Flex | April 23, 2024

Revamping Your Daily Huddle for Dental Practice Success

Many organizations, from sports teams to industry giants like Apple and Capital One, utilize daily huddles. Verne Harnish, a successful business author, emphasizes the importance of daily huddles for companies aiming for peak performance. Dental practices can benefit just as much.

Just 15 minutes a day invested in a team huddle can foster a strong sense of community, a shared vision, and clarity. This, in turn, helps everyone focus on achieving key objectives. In short, daily huddles are powerful tools for planning success.

Have you tried huddles before, but they fizzled out?  Don't give up! Many teams simply haven't unlocked the secrets to a successful huddle. Below we will explore how the Flex huddle report can guide you through the key elements of a winning huddle!

Conquer Your Day with the Huddle Report: Your Dental Practice's Daily Huddle Buddy

Imagine this: you walk into the office energized and ready to tackle the day. But before you dive into appointments, you and your team gather for a quick huddle. In this huddle, you discuss all the essential details about your patients, from upcoming appointments to past balances. Sounds pretty productive, right?

Well, with the Flex huddle report, that huddle doesn't just have to be an imagination! This fantastic tool equips your team with all the information they need to support their patients’ needs as effectively as possible throughout the day.

What is the Huddle Report?

Think of the huddle report as your daily dental practice cheat sheet. It consolidates crucial information into one easy-to-access location, saving you and your team valuable time and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Accessing the Huddle Report

Getting started with the huddle report is a breeze. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Make sure you have access: If you don't see the huddle icon, don't worry! An administrative user in Flex can enable it for you in just a few clicks.
  2. Click the Huddle/Reports icon: This will open a pop-up window. Select the "huddle" option.
  3. The huddle report awaits!

What's Inside the Huddle Report?

The huddle report is like a treasure trove of information designed to make your day run smoother. Here's a breakdown of the key sections:

  • Today's Schedule: This section is your patient spotlight. It quickly highlights essential details about each patient on your schedule, such as:
    • Do they have their next appointment scheduled?
    • Are they overdue for a recall appointment?
    • Do they have any outstanding balances?

With this information, your team can proactively address any patient needs and ensure a smooth visit.

  • Month-to-Date Tracking (MTD): This section is all about keeping your finger on the pulse of your practice's financial health. Here's what you'll find:
    • Production MTD: Tracks the total value of dental procedures completed so far this month.
    • Income Collected: This shows how much money has been collected from patients this month.
    • Collection Rate: This handy metric reveals the percentage of completed dentistry paid for.

But wait, there's more! You can also set monthly goals for these areas and track your progress throughout the month. If you're hitting your targets, the huddle report will give you a big thumbs up with a green color. Fall behind? The report will switch to red, letting you know it's time to step up the pace.

  • Today & Yesterday Info Tracking: Here, you'll find a quick snapshot of key metrics from both today and yesterday, including:
    • Production: Throughout the day, track how much dentistry has been completed.
    • New Patients: Track the number of new patients who have come through your doors.
    • Case Acceptance: This metric shows the percentage of patients who have agreed to treatment and scheduled procedures.
    • Hygiene Reappointment: Measures your success in scheduling hygiene patients for their next cleaning.
    • Broken Appointments: Stay on top of missed appointments with this handy counter.

By reviewing this information, you can identify areas for improvement and celebrate your team's successes.

  • Aging Claims:  This section keeps your insurance coordinator in the loop. It lists all claims over 30 days old and their status, making it easy to prioritize follow-up efforts.
  • X-rays Requested:  Sometimes, patients need X-rays from their previous dentist. The huddle report keeps track of these requests, ensuring a smooth transition for new patients.
  • Note Section:  Got important reminders or updates for the team? The huddle report's note section allows you to jot down important information for specific days.

The Power of the Huddle Report

The huddle report goes beyond just numbers on a screen. It's a powerful tool that can:

  • Boost team communication: Ensures everyone is aware of patient needs and practice goals.
  • Improve patient care: This allows your team to address patient concerns proactively.
  • Increase efficiency: Saves valuable time by centralizing important information.
  • Enhance financial tracking: Provides clear insights into your practice's financial performance.

6 Hacks for Daily Huddle Success:

  1. Leaders Set the Tone: While a daily huddle doesn't require a leader to take charge, having key figures present (like the doctor) reinforces important ideas and keeps the team aligned with the practice's culture.

  2. Habit Formation Takes Time: Be patient!  Just like any new habit, daily huddles take about three weeks to become ingrained in your routine.  Most practices see benefits within the first week but stick with it for a month to solidify the practice.

  3. Short & Sweet Wins: The most effective huddles are quick—under 15 minutes. To boost attendance, consider starting at an off-beat time, like 8:03 a.m. instead of 8:00 a.m.

  4. Kickstart with Inspiration: Start your huddle with a positive and energizing element, like a thought for the day, a motivational quote, or a quick video clip.

  5. Casual & Collaborative: Ditch the formality! A huddle should feel more like a team discussion amongst colleagues, not a rigid meeting. This fosters a sense of community and shared purpose.

  6. Transparency is Key: Open and honest communication is essential for a successful practice. Daily huddles are a great platform for sharing updates and openly addressing concerns.

So, the next time you and your team gather for your morning huddle, let the huddle report be your guide. With this valuable tool, you can transform your daily operations into a symphony of smooth patient care, efficient teamwork, and a thriving dental practice!

Not a Current Flex User?

If you're not a Flexer, we do way more than just morning huddles and would love to connect with your team. This is just the tip of the iceberg regarding the superpowers Flex can add to Open Dental. 

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