Analytics That Make Sense
With constant changes surrounding dental practices, staying on top of performance metrics is crucial to sustaining growth and providing the best patient care. Utilizing Flex’s analytics, you gain powerful insights into your practice’s production, collections, and reappointment trends over the past year (by default or by user-defined custom date ranges), helping you make informed decisions and optimize day-to-day operations.
Comprehensive Production & Collection Tracking
View your production per visit, collection rate, and overall financial health easily. By monitoring unscheduled treatments and case acceptance rates, you can make sure your practice is moving in the right direction.
Boost Reappointment Rates
One major pitfall in many practices is missed opportunities for future appointments. With Insights by Flex, you can confirm whether your team is effectively scheduling follow-up visits, reducing patient attrition, and fostering long-term relationships.
Identify Problem Areas
Patient attrition, declining reappointment rates, and high accounts receivable can signal underlying issues. By providing visibility into these key metrics, our insights help you swiftly address potential problems before they escalate.
Track Performance & Plan Efficiently
With production trends tracked month over month, it becomes easier to plan for office vacations or downtime without disrupting patient care. Use historical trends to forecast and prepare your practice for slower periods, ensuring smooth operations year-round.
Detailed Drill-Downs for In-Depth Analysis
Insights designed by Flex takes your data a step further, allowing you to drill down into specific data points to see which patients contribute to certain metrics. Whether it's reappointment rates (patients not yet scheduled), patient attrition, unscheduled treatments, or accounts receivable (AR) management—including sending statements through FlexPay, you can access detailed patient information to make data-driven decisions. Having access to this level of insight not only enhances operational efficiency but also helps you grow your practice while providing exceptional patient care. This data can ultimately be integrated with our Advanced Patient List, allowing for easy viewing and efficient patient communication.
With our analytics, you’re not just monitoring your practice—you’re constantly improving it.