Update 4.11.0

Update 4.11.0 is out and covers enhancements to Flex Mobile, support for large families and multi clinics, FlexPay updates, and much more!
Flex Update 4.11.0 Release Notes:

  • Flex Mobile will now support duplicate operators names.
  • FlexPay statements and in office payments will now allocate selected procedures AND any left over payment to the associated provider using a First In First Out method!
  • FlexPay now has full support for our multi clinic clients. Your terminal drop down will now support each clinic and show devices as intended.
  • We inserted a warning when trying to save an empty medication, condition, etc categories.
    (Flex will now prompt you that you cannot save when we recognize an empty category)
  • Flex Forms will now pre-populate for large families (4+ size) when signing multiple forms back to back.
  • Referrals now support special characters.
  • Keep an eye out for more changes in 4.12 and 4.13 coming soon!
**You will need to update your Flex using the Flex logo on the top right after you login for the above improvement**


Have questions about this update or how to make sure you're getting the latest Flex Features?


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