Flex Learning Hub

What's New in Flex?

The Latest Features in Flex

Happy New Year! Here's a quick recap of recent functionality that's been added to Flex, based on requests from our customers. If you're a current Flexer and have a feature suggestion, please let us know! Your input helps us make Flex a better product so you have a better customer experience! 

And, stay tuned and check back here often - we have new features coming right around the corner!

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Comparing Dental Practice Management & Patient Communication Software

We’re explaining the differences between practice management and patient communication systems in dentistry. Spoiler alert: it's a bit of an "apples to oranges" comparison, but they’re both great for your practice!

There are two critical components for building a successful dental practice: managing the day-to-day operations of your business and fostering relationships with your patients through consistent communication. While most practices are well-versed in practice management software to keep their operations organized, there is usually less familiarity with patient communication software for maintaining patient engagement. And, there can often be confusion as to what services each software offers. Let’s take a quick look at the differences between practice management software and patient communication systems and the benefits each can provide to your practice and your patients.     

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NEW FEATURE: See Flex's New Online Forms Editor

We have released our new online forms editor, where we give you the option to get your hands dirty designing your own dynamic online forms with as much customization as you want. For those of you that are a little less adventurous, you can also select from provided templates for common forms rather than starting from scratch. It's a new ballgame for building online forms. Check out this how-to video! 

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Here is a quick look at the 3 different Flex packages, what’s included, and what you’ll pay.

What’s The Difference Between Flex, FlexSchedule, and Flex+?

As a business, we understand that dental practices have different needs when it comes to technology. We’ve designed Flex and its subscription options so that each practice can get the features they need while not paying for features that may not be for them. No round pegs in square holes here! We want you to love every feature in Flex so that your user experience is top-notch.

With that in mind, here is a quick look at the 3 different Flex packages, what’s included, and what you’ll pay. 

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Who is Flex? Meet Jennie Bauer!

Fun Fact: Jennie loves to travel and has a goal of visiting all 50 states . . . so far, she’s made it to 22!

Once you've decided that Flex is a good fit for your practice, you'll naturally need to be trained on all that  Flex goodness. We like to think of great training, education, and customer support as the ingredients that cook up an "I'm smiling ear-to-ear" user experience. Who do we rely on to provide you with a ton of knowledge in a fun way that gets you Flexing in no time? Meet Jennie Bauer, one of our education experts that's excited to help you tackle your new Flex adventure!

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FlexBook Marketing ROI

Measuring Marketing ROI With FlexSchedule Online Tracking Links

Marketing is the food that feeds every business to help it grow, including dental practices. No matter the industry, a good marketing approach consists of several key components: building a brand, generating interest in your product/service, acquiring new customers, and fostering successful relationships to create repeat business. And, at the end of every successful marketing initiative, you’ll want to measure where your best leads came from so you can optimize your marketing budget and calculate your return on investment. Just like every business, your dental practice needs to be able to attribute your marketing wins to their respective campaigns so you know which of your investments is working the hardest.

In this article, I’m going to show you how to utilize the tracking links feature in FlexSchedule online scheduling to help determine the ROI of your practice's marketing strategy.   

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